This CHILEAN WEB SITE RULES!!!!by Susan ComodityThis Chilean MS in IT always shared his global perspective on telecommunication industry and International geopolitical issues. The thing is he never mentioned he was from Chile. In many ways he dominated domestic Americanized interests, But as he always said " In the land of the blind, the one eye men is the king" . Simon Rosenblut's competent researcher and project manager qualities gave him the oportunity to create one of the biggest South American Social Networking Services available.
Here is the Story
How did start? How do you promote your site?Simon: This site started out as a Social Network designed for TVN. It included a list of featured blogs from Chile. It was my thesis back in Indiana. I don't promote this site, all traffic has been generated by word-of-mouth alone.
How many people write for your site?Simon: Just me. I do all the articles, graphics, programming, layout, email responses, etc. I am hosted in blogger, because there are no Chilean ISP services available.
Simon, may I send you my writing/ideas?Simon: No. Do not send me your writing/ideas. I disregard all such email because I don't want to post something on my website and have some dumbass emailing me a few weeks later claiming that they gave me the idea. I have anywhere from 25-40 articles in queue at any given time. So I have more than enough to write about, don't send me your ideas. You may send me general suggestions, but if you're worried about me taking your ideas, then don't email me.
What do you do for a living, besides creting these wonderfull Websites for underprivileged South Americans?Simon: I'm an AV for a T-com company in Santiago, Chile Company. I work anywhere from 40-60 hours per week (hence my sleep deprive).
Will you marry me? / Do you have a girlfriend?Simon: To date I've received 79 marriage proposals from women, and 4 marriage proposals from men. I'm currently single.
Has your site ever received an award?Simon: Yes, in fact, I recently gave myself the "Best Damn Web Page in the Universe" award: I decided to give my site the award because it's the best site I've ever been to. I love everything about my site. It's the best. ....
How can you always be right if you contradict yourself?Simon: That's besides the point. What's important is that I'm always right about everything. If you disagree with anything I have to say, you are wrong. For example... I changed my mind, I can't think of an example. But trust me, I'm right.